It looks like things are progressing on our house! We are seriously packing things here! We are waiting to hear back about the appraisal that was done last Monday and should hear on Thursday. There is a possibility it may close early, but we will see. I am planning on the 28th which is less than 2 weeks away and if it is sooner, that would be great.  After it closes we have to get the work done on the electrical and plumbing as well as purchase a stove, fridge and maybe a dishwasher. I am going to try the one in there first though before I do that! It is pretty old though, I think  late 80’s!! <p>
Almost all the books are packed, I need to take a picture of the stacks of boxes now that they have grown!  All the living room books are packed as of today and just the ones in my bedroom yet. I left a few cookbooks out and went through the spice cupboard today. I am going through some drawers that have just become stacks of papers as well, plus we did school today too, almost all of it. I have to read aloud still to them and do H. math with him. <p>
I was checking out flour prices as we are almost out and since prices are shooting up I thought I should check! They are over $20 for 50 lbs, which is really pretty high. Wheat went up too, $18 for 50 pounds when I bought it in Nov. for $14. I am buying 50 lbs of oatmeal for $21, it will be spending extra this month, but it lasts us a long time as long as I keep it in buckets and that way we will have cereal. I am also buying 5 lbs of salt  and 1 gallon molasses. At least we will have breakfast covered!  <p> With all the worry though I see in the news and on different groups, I was reminded of the bible verse  about not worrying about what we eat or wear, but seeking God and He will provide for us. I know that can be taken to an extreme, but I think it is a good lesson for us in this time to trust in God and watch His wonderful provisions for us. 

This Post Has One Comment

  1. loefflermom

    Good job getting packed.


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