This house was really cute, but sort of tiny upstairs. The kitchen and dining room especially. This is the living room you walked into. It had a pretty fireplace in it.
The kitchen was sort of skinny, but not too bad!
The steps to the basement were around the corner. It had a large area, unfinished they used as a family room, a room they used as a office and storage area with a freezer/pantry and lots of open empty space. A couple of very tiny windows was all though! <p>
So, take a look at all the pictures and tell me what you think. The one with the big tub and the blue and white one are our favorites so far. The one with the tub would be a possibility if they go down more in price. So, we will see!
I enjoyed looking at all the pictures. How is the house hunting going? To me when we have done it it is stressful, but exciting all at the same time. Hope all is well though. We definantly have to find the time to get together even for a short time next time we make it up there.
You have been really busy! You mentioned that you have to get the trailer painted quickly. Do you have plans for it already that I missed somewhere? Have you decided on a house yet? How exciting that you will get a HOUSE! I am excited for you!
This weekend will be crazy busy for us. Did you get something in the mail from me?
We have never looked at that many houses in one search. I think the most has been 4, before we settled.
I hope you find a really great one. I can't see all the pictures so I won't say which one looks good to me. ;)
Btw, that step-down bath in the one picture is really neat. I have only ever seen one like that, in a house we looked at. Although, to me it looked like it would be really awkward for bathing babies in!