Sometimes it is easy to look at hard days, like just that, a hard day. But sometimes when I have glimpsed beyond the present, I think that sometimes our “hard days” can be part of a spiritual battle as well. I have had some really hard days these past 2 weeks. I have to say I don’t know that I have handled them the best, but it has helped me to think and consider what else could be going on and strengthen my faith. I have turned to God for help, even though it just seems like there is so much at times.

I have alot to be thankful for though also! It has been very smoky here, but today, we have some blue sky! It is so wonderful to see it! It still smells like we are burning brush nearby, but blue sky and cooler temps are wonderful!

My youngest son has not gotten any asthma at all again! Yippee! That was awful last summer, and it looks like he grew out of it! Even with all the smoke we have not had any trouble!

It is time to start school againa nd God is providing ways for me to be able to buy Math-u-See for at least one of my sons, which I am really hoping will help him in math. I think I have most of what I need now!

So, even in the hard times I am going to praise God, because above all He is worthy to be praised! I may be struggling, I may be attacked, but I will praise God through it and in it for even the little things!

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  1. amandasangels

    You have such a wonderful and truthful point! It's awesome that you are looking past the present issues and into the deeper things. Now, if we could all remember to do that! (Speaking of myself here.) Thanks for sharing!
    Love & Blessings,
    (: Amanda :)

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