Lee is 4 years old now! My, it doesn't seem like 4 years since he was born and we moved back to MT!

Right before he was born I decided to go to a wedding in MN, without Fred. I took Paul and Hans and went with total strangers all the way to MN.

It was an adventure to say the least. I thought I was going to go into labor right then in the truck a couple of times.

It taught me to not go traveling in the couple of weeks before your due date, even if you want to go badly!

Lee was born 4 days early, 8 lbs. 4 oz. on April 4th, 2002.

His labor was only 2 hours from beginning to end and was a little too fast! My water broke and woke me up breaking. I jumped out of bed, cleaned up and then had 15 min. of peace. The next hour and 45 min was torture and was I ever glad to see him!

We named him for his grandpa Vasily, but we decided to call him Lee for short because Vasily is too hard for people to say and they say it very strangely.

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  1. drewsfamilytx


  2. Lilyofthevalley4

    Happy birthday Lee!!!

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