Life will ever settle down for us? Grandma got out of the the hospital so now she is at my aunts's house. We are going to have to be over there alot trying to help with her care and just talking to her.

I am also trying to organize for school and get the house in order for the school year. The boys room is comig along nicely, except for now we have bags of give away stuff sitting in there.

I have most of my schoolbooks together. I have a couple things to order yet, but this is what I am planning for the most part, for at least the first part of the year.


BJU Math 2 end of the book

Adventures in Phonics Level C

Handwriting without Tears

Christian Kids explore Chemistry

Living books and Audio stories for history


Saxon Math

Adventures in Phonics Level A

Handwriting without tears

Audio books

The only things I need to get nailed down is the exact ouline of what I am doing for history this year. I am going to do them all together. Also for L. and A. who are 4 and 2, I am collecting alot of preschool info and want to set up alot of things for them this year. I am hoping to teach L. some stuff along with H. I do not want to push them too fast, but I also do want them to fall behind.

I have got to get my printer working so I can print some of the wonderful things there are online. At least I can use it as a copy machine. I have seen some of the file folder games and Preschool in a bag activities, that I want to do. I am hoping to be able to get together with more homeschool moms this year.

There is also a possibility that I may end up watching a baby this year a couple days a week. It would be very nice to add to my income, although alot of extra work.

I am also praying about getting into this program where you help build your own house and get it alot cheaper that way. I know my family feels like it is too far off, but I have time!

This Post Has 0 Comments

  1. Anonymous

    I wish I could be one of the homeschool moms that get together with you. I want to seriously start Cherie schooling this fall also and I feel pretty lost… ~Diana

  2. Martha

    Oh, I wish you were too!
    One of the ideas was get together with a bunch of moms and make those preschool activities in a bag and each mom make however many moms there were. You each make a different one and then you go home with if there are 20 moms you get together then 20 activities. Maybe we should do something like that over the mail. They didn’t look heavy to mail!

  3. Lilyofthevalley4

    Looks good Martha! I wish we could get together too! Would be so much fun!! :)

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