When I went to bed last night I knew today was going to be crazy! I got going at 7:30 am and I am dead tired!
There were no amazing deals to be gotten for me today, in fact it felt a little odd at the stores today.  Prices have been rising and I expect that with the gas prices, but it was odd finding something things just not there…. I am sure there is not going to be  huge problem, but it makes me thankful for the extra food I have. At one store there was almost no vegetables on sale!!<p>
I went to Costco and there was no rice, no beans, no bananas (and it sounds like those will be hit and miss as the quality has been bad)…. the other store that had cheap pasta was almost all gone and weird stuff like that. I always have sort of felt like food shortages are made up, and I still do, but this was weird feeling.  <p> I did join this thing that  I think is a great thing for these problems. It is a local barter program that has been organized and set up here in the valley. There is all kinds of stuff from trading fruits and vegetables  and haircuts to lawyer services! It is pretty amazing!  It is a really neat thing, and I would encourage everyone to check it out, I will post the website sometime. <p>
Wednesday: Chicken and rice soup/bread
Thursday: Bierocks
Friday:  Black Beans and Rice/ salad
Saturday:  Oven Round Steak/ baked potatoes                            
Sunday: Chicken and Rice casserole
Monday: Potato pancakes/ applesauce
Tuesday: Chili/ cornbread<p>
I am feeling slightly overwhelmed,  but the boys helped me tonight and cleaned up their mess in the basement.  I need to get things all organized, some more shelves in the basement in the laundry room so I can put some storage on them. I have some extra food  that I want to put down there. <p>

This Post Has One Comment

  1. Anonymous

    thank you for the comment. i look forward to what god will do church wise. who knows what will happen.
    were sick right now. grant puked for nearly two days so its been just surviving. pray for health for us. we have a wedding to go to Saturday.
    hope your well and do get those kids to help all they can. it makes such a difference. im sure you do. love ya. grace.
    its a beautiful sunny day here. one of my biggest dislikes about mt. is that we have so much gray weather. i am a little solar panel. so enjoying this day. cant quit thanking god for it. chow.

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