Why do they think the way they do? Who thinks it would be a good idea to stick your brother in the bookshelf?

What about putting the basketball hoop stand up a tree?

Does it sound fun to you when it is bedtime and the house is quieting down, to play wrestling your brother through the sheets in the dark?

Children have active imaginations! I wonder sometimes what I can do to guide it in the right direction! I watch my 4 year old make up stories with his stuffed animals and play out a story….it is amazing what they come up with!

How is the best way to guide their imagination?

I saw one family who every waking minutes was learning or working. They had no time for fun, but they were smart. They resented it though! Is there a good in between? How can we guide them without controlling their every move?

On a different, but similar subject, what are your favorite educational toys?

This Post Has 0 Comments

  1. kathy

    Martha, Martha
    You know you need to spend time sitting at His feet. They learn so much in play so often your dirction can came from asking them what would be the result if their imagation was taken to the next step the sooo if their doing this what would happen then????

  2. agodlyhomemaker

    we love discovery toys. the kids have fun and learn at the same time!

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