1. If you buy clothes, never pay full price. I shop at Ross Dress for less,
JC Penny etc. but buy things on clearance.  I bought a whole bunch of boys
pants for .77 each brand new one year.  I usually get a couple of outfits
for the boys for  under $5 there in January and  Fall time.  They have
expensive prices, but really mark stuff down.  I will usually once a year
get a coupon from them for $10 off a purchase $10 or more.  My husband gets
sweaters and shirts there for $1.77 -$2.77. It is not worth it around her to
buy from a thrift store with that happening. <p> Let people know if you need
baby stuff etc. as I find people get scared to bother you sometimes with
giving you clothes, baby furniture, but  are happy to lend you or give you
stuff.  Also, I consign clothes etc at a local childrens consignment store.
It builds up credit there and then I can find pretty much new stuff there. I
got a swing for $7 there one time.<p>

Shop only sales at the grocery store. If it is not on sale, don’t buy it.  I
plan my meals around what I have and what is on sale. If beef is on sale, we
do not have chicken. <p>Some good websites with some frugal recipes are
Tammys Recipes
Hillbilly Housewife
Living on a Dime (I like her cookbooks, they are great)<p>
 More with Less cookbook is another great cookbook that has healthy frugal, simple meals in it. <p>

Instead of doing things for fun that cost money, look for the things you can
do for free or cheaply. Instead of renting a movie, get it at the library.
Go to a auction for fun, even if you do not buy anything! (I once went to an
auction where I spent $2 and my van was stuffed full of books!) The library
often has free activities in the summer, our has things every Wed. morning
for children that are really neat nature things, painting, etc.<p>
One of my friends likes to laugh because we are always finding something fun that is different to do on the weekends!
<p>Play board games, I bought a bunch of brand new ones at a special sale a
thrift store had in Dec. or Nov.  Get books from the library instead of
buying them. <p>

Grow a garden- It does not have to be big to save you money. I  have a small
yard, and I grew alot of tomatoes, zucchini and some herbs last year and it
was amazing of what it saved me in money. I did buy one box of tomatoes to
can and on Freecycle was given tons of green tomatoes which I ripened and
froze. I did not have to buy   canned tomatoes pretty much all winter and I
still have some!  I asked for rhubarb once in a newspaper for free and got
so much of it! I made a whole bunch of jam from it or you can freeze it.
Check around and see if anyone has a tree  of fruit that they want to get
rid of. It is more work, but feels very satisfying! Borrow things instead of
buying the equipment and  buy jars used. People always get  rid of canning
jars and it is not worth it to buy them new in the store. If you are
freezing stuff though, buy the thick bags so your food does not get ruined.<p>

5. Learn how to be content with little. Have fun seeing what a wonderful
meal you can make  from what was in your freezer and cupboard. Make it an
adventure instead of a drudgery!<p>

This Post Has 0 Comments

  1. drewsfamilytx

    Like that song says… "It's not having what you want, it's wanting what you've got!"

    I rarely do thrift stores. I can get brand new items on clearance at Old Navy and Gap for under $2! I love a good bargain… I get all giddy just <i>thinking</i> about it!

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