Because it is frugal for you to get to read a brand new book for free, you can use it as a gift for someone or just keep it yourself, but I decided to  give away a copy of this book. If you would like to read my review on it look here
<p> It is very easy to enter- simply leave me a comment with the title of one of your favorite historical books you have ever read and a way to contact you if you are not a homeschool blogger person!! <p>

This Post Has 0 Comments

  1. Anonymous

    now this is a hard question because we have thousands of out of print books in our home. I think my favorite historical "books" are my truthquest history guides found at which help guide us through our study of history, recommending the best reading books to go with each event we are studying.

  2. Anonymous

    I loved the book Nathaniel Bowditch. We read it for our study of American history.


  3. Robinsnest

    Sounds like a great book! I love historical fiction. One of my favorite historical fiction books is the book Texas. Edited by Robinsnest on Nov. 11, 2007 at 1:56 AM

  4. Anonymous

    My favourite is Carry On, Mr. Bowditch, which was mentioned above. There are lots of biographies I like, but perhaps my favourite historical fiction would be the Alaskan series by Tracie Peterson, including Rivers of Gold.

  5. Anonymous

    Oops! Forgot to identify myself. That last comment was by me, eking, of momys.

  6. Anonymous

    I also like Nathaniel Bowditch!!!!
    I love to read and that is one thing I really really miss here….

    Joni Owada

  7. Anonymous

    I also like Nathaniel Bowditch!!!!
    I love to read and that is one thing I really really miss here….

    Joni Owada

  8. Anonymous

    I love the Williamsburg Series by Elswyth Thane–Dawn's Early Light, Yankee Stranger, Ever After, etc….Follows a large extended family from before the Revolutionary War til after WWII.

    Naomi (5boysmom from momys)

  9. pippinroo

    Hi Martha,

    I think right now my favorite would have to be the "Little House on the Praire" series. Were reading it with my dd right now ;)

    Cool contest by the way!

    (princessroo) on momys

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