Biblical Womanhood hosts  a Frugal Friday  every week! There is always good tips over there from lots of the readers. If you want to join in, head over and post your link<p>
Who says the poor cannot have fun? I guess it just depends of your definition of fun! We were always fairly poor growing up, but do you think that meant life was boring?  Here are a list of really fun things to do with your family  that do not cost alot and can be fun for everyone! <p> Besides, you are making memories that last longer than the stuff that costs more because you had to work to have fun! <p>
1. Buy a box of ice cream bars (much cheaper than ice cream cones for everyone) and drive  to a nearby train tracks to watch the trains go by. (We did this often as children, and when we were adults too! We lived in a small town and would drive out of  town a bit to watch the freight trains and count cars. The best part was everyone sitting in the car,  talking to each other and singing while we waited)<p>
2. Pack a picnic lunch and  drive to odd places to have a picnic.  (My parents took us to this train tunnel way out in the middle of nowhere that is 7 miles long. We had a picnic there by the tunnel, near  the tunnel, watched some trains, played some ball and read books laying on blankets. I made this cake which I remember to this day! It was chocolate with cherry pie filling instead of frosting!)<p>
3. Go to the library and check out some old movies, the black and white ones. Go home and make all kinds of snacks, like all kinds of different flavored popcorn, pizza cut into bite size pieces, root beer floats and meatball sandwiches. Sit on the living room floor and listen as everyone talks about the movies. ( My great-grandfather and I used to do this, we critiqued the movies and ate little bits of junk food. I still treasure those days!)<p>
4. Build your own calzone night!- Make a big batch of pizza dough and prepare many different pizza toppings. Give everyone a piece of dough and have them make their own pizza pockets. <p>
5. Read a book aloud together- While listening everyone can work on handwork, even the boys. (I got so much embroidery, cross stitch and other handwork done while listening to the journals of John Wesley, Charles Finney, George Whitfield and other heroes of the faith and actually found out you retain more if your hands are busy while listening. My mom would read too sometimes and we quilted)<p>
6. Make your own Blizzards- This is much cheaper than buying them at  Dairy Queen.
We would buy a half gallon of cheap ice cream and a couple different kinds of candy bars for a dollar and soften the ice cream in the mixer and add a little milk. Add broken candy bars of your flavor of choice! <p>
7. Go outside and play a old fashioned game- Dare Base, Prisoner’s base, Freeze Tag, Capture the Flag are just a few of your choices. (some of my fondest memories of playing outside was playing games like these)<p>
8. Visit a used bookstore together- You can find better books at cheaper prices! (My first wonder of the old books began on weekend trips to used bookstores in Seattle!)
<p> These are just a few cheap fun things that families can do together to make memories that last a lifetime!

This Post Has 0 Comments

  1. Sandlappersue

    I really like these ideas. I will have to do some of them with the family. I think that close to an airport is fun too, if one's closeby.
    I am sorry that I didn't get to respond to your question about posting pictures in time. Anyhow, I see that you got it figured out. My daughter, Brittany, has to do mine as I don't even know how. LOL

  2. Heather (devildogwife)

    Lots of fun ideas! We've done quite a few of those with slight variations. Thanks for sharing!

  3. drewsfamilytx

    I love your ideas!

    I suppose we were quite poor growing up as well…at least in the money dept. However, we had such fun as a family. My three sisters and one brother and I always had fun playing cards with my parents, playing hide n seek, cartoon freeze tag, and making "movies" together (back in the day when the vhs/beta wars were going on)…hehehee… Good times, good times.


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