Don’t Miss This FREE Teleseminar with Marilyn – Designed by You!<p>

Free Teleseminar – Tuesday, July 17 – Homeschooling at the Speed of Life: Ask the Author <p>

Have you ever read a book and wished you could sit down with the author and ask questions? Well, now you can! And you can even do it in your pajamas!<p>

Join Marilyn and other homeschool moms for a free teleseminar on July 17 at 9:00 PM Eastern, 8:00 PM Central, and 6:00 PM Pacific times for an hour and a half teleseminar that is designed by you. When you register for the seminar, you submit your question to be included in the discussion.<p>

You don’t have to have read the book to join the discussion or to submit your question. You don’t have to read the book at all (although, of course, I hope you do!). Just register and follow the instructions to join me on the call.<p>

You have a choice – either call in and your only cost is your long-distance call or join me on your computer and it is free! Either way, you can listen and participate. I even may be sitting at my computer barefooted, sharing with you!<p>

Don’t miss it! Here is the information again:<p>

EVENT:  Homeschooling at the Speed of LIfe: Ask the Author<p>

DATE & TIME: Tuesday, July 17th at 9:00pm Eastern, 8:00pm Central, 6:00pm Pacific<p>

FORMAT: Simulcast! (Attend via Phone or Webcast — it’s your choice)<p>



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