I was in the middle of a slow morning when the friend that is living in my aunts house calls me and says the smoke alarms are all going off and she doesn't know why. I rush all the boys and Fred outside to the car, call the fire department to check the house (it is a huge house) and drive over there. We went over the whole house and they couldn't find anything, but there is a bunch of work that has to be done today because it is getting really, really cold here. (It is expected -15–20 tonight) I had a doctor appointment for my son, but no time to even cancel it! Anyhow, thankfully, no fire, no one was hurt and now we have time to fix the things so there is no fire. My aunt and uncle live in CA and I just take care of the house for them while they are not living here.

The boys enjoyed sitting next to a fire truck for awhile and even though they had to sit in the car with Fred for awhile, enjoyed being rushed around and Paul was in his pajamas!

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  1. EagleAcademy

    There’s something about boys and fire trucks!?

    Sounds like quite a day- glad it was nothing serious at your friends house.
    Keep warm…

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