“I am at the end of my rope!”

“I just can’t do this anymore.”

“This isn’t working for me.”


These are statements that while some of us might not say them aloud, we have surely thought them more than once.

It can be something little that sends us “over the edge”. It might be a comment that someone makes that sends us there. It could even be well intentioned.

What are some ways to combat this feeling?

I don’t think I have the answers. I have seen the results of the feeling when you are up with a child in the night and they just won’t sleep. Or that child that refuses to eat, no matter what you put in front of them. The other one that is angry, because his dad is gone, but he is taking it out on you, because you are the one in front of him.

Then there are the more drastic things.

Your child died.

Your husband left you.

You were injured severely.

It gives us that feeling of helpless anxiety when you can’t change the reality you are in at the moment.

When you can’t go on, see what you can do.

What is something small you can do to change the situation?

Can you feed your kids? Can you give someone a hug?

Sometimes the small things make the difference!


Martha Artyomenko is an unpublished fiction author who has published some nonfiction magazine articles and reviews over the years. An avid reader and mother of four sons, she brings her many years of expertise to play when writing realistic fiction about topics of mothering, domestic violence, and childbirth. In her free time, if she is not reading, you will find her walking while musing about her next story to write or traveling to learn history for another story. Martha Artyomenko supports authors by running an active social media group (Avid Readers of Christian Fiction) and newsletter promoting niche fiction authors that would otherwise be unknown. Join me by leaving a comment or signing up for the newsletter.

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