Listening to Learn- Using Audio Files in your homeschool
By Amy Blevins

Reviewed by Martha Artyomenko

This simple Ebook is a  detailed how-to guide of how to use audio files in your homeschool life. Mrs. Blevins speaks of  why she started using audio files in her homeschool  by need, and went on to find it so helpful and enjoyable. She speaks of the different ways to use it, by audio CD, in the car, Ipod, MP3 player and others like even video. This 49 page book had  list of how exactly  to use them in your school, what to look for, making your own, how to schedule them, and how to find the right ones.

I really enjoyed this Ebook, and found it really helpful. It had lists of audio books and places to get them I had not heard of before. I have trouble with reading aloud, and cannot possibly keep up with all the out loud reading I should be doing for school.  This ebook  greatly expands my horizons to looking beyond even what I was doing with it. From using audio files for an entire subject to just using it to supplement a subject. The details were great!!!<p>
Some of our favorite audio files we have used in school have been Geography Songs by Kathy Troxel, Thy Word Creations,  and Focus on Family Radio Theater like Squanto, Les Miserables, etc. Some of the reason why I enjoy the first two so much is they are ones I used when I was in school and have helped me the most in life by sticking with me! <p>
Check out Amy’s website to sign up for a newsletter and view her encouraging products!!
This ebook will be a resource I will look back to to help me through my homeschooling year and I encourage you to check it out as well!

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  1. Lilyofthevalley4

    Hello, Martha!

    I gave you an award on my blog! :)

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