I think I have something scheduled on everyday of this week. Oh, I think I skipped Saturday……yay…one day of the week we have nothing, nothing planned!! <p> This is really sad!
Yeah, well……Monday today we had MOPs this morning, L. went to a friends house for school, which is such a  blessing and company for dinner tonight.  Tuesday- L. school, we are doing preschool/kindergarten coop and may have a class in the afternoon for Language arts, Wednesday L. school and church in the evening, Thursday- L. School, Preschool until noon, Friday……dessert social in the evening…..

<p> I am not sure how we are going to do it all, but if we work hard for these next two months and really get caught up on English grammar, reading etc. I am hoping the rest of the year goes more smoothly! <p.
MOPS went well this morning, there was about 14 people there, which was a good group for the first meeting! We had alot of fun!

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