We had a nice day today! Fred and boys cooked a bunch of corn and Lee and I went shopping while the baby slept. He is feeling a bit better I think now!
Then Joe took us tot he county fair, the boys were free to get in and he paid for us to go. He paid for the boys to go on rides and everything! They loved it! Even Fred enjoyed himself immensely! He loved the rides! It was nice to see him enjoy himself and be together as a family having fun! Lee was wearing this big t–shirt that the electric company gave him, and Hans and James got to ride in the electric company lift! It went up like 80 ft!!
They loved the horses, making horse noises to them. There were minature horses too and lots of poultry,cows and sheep. Inside they had honey bees in a glass case and they sat and watched them for awhile. EEk! I was scared they could get out! I am so scared of bees.
Anthony was really good! I found out that they may be giving a bridge class to EMT-B here in about a month. I am not sure how it will all work out, but we will see. Maybe this the time to do it!
Anyhow, I am so tired, but it was fun! Oh, yes, I had some pizza at the fair and it was good! First time I think I have had food at the fair and yes, it was as good as the books make it out to be!

This Post Has 0 Comments

  1. gmisch

    I am so glad you had a nice day as a family. Those memories are so special. I am looking forward to taking the kids to the fair this year. It is our once a year splurge. Dh turns into a big kid with the boys, taking them on all of the crazy rides. And of course the kids *love* the animals.

    That must have been where you were when I tried to call earlier! ;-)

  2. Nichola

    Martha, that is so cool! And you had just said in your last post that you were wanting to do something fun! Isn't God good?

    Mmmm! Sweet corn. The coons got all ours and the rest burned up from no rain and the heat.

  3. Martha

    I need to get a answer machine! I didn't know you tried to call! I have been wondering how you have been!
    Yes, it was a blessing, Nichola! That is one thing nice about blogs, you can go back and see all the wonderful things God has taught you over time.

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