I just went to the library and picked up a bag of books to read. I am not sure on all of them, but we picked them up! I am still working on Girl from the Gulches. I had other books ahead of it….and they had to get read.
One I read yesterday was an Amish fiction by Dale Cramer. I read it because I liked his other book Levi’s Will. It was not as “Amish” as some of the books and didn’t leave you will that sick feeling in the pit of your stomach, but it was not my favorite. It did have some interesting history in it.

The Fine Art of insincerity by Angela Hunt- Three sisters. Three different lives. Three different hurts and sorrows. When they all come together to clean out their grandmother’s house, they all have different goals in mind. Can they lay aside their differences and see how alike they are in spite of their differences? I related to this book, like many other ones that Ms. Hunt has written. It was deep and left you examining those relationships in your own life.

1001 ideas for Trimwork – I want to get ideas for trim. I need to put trim in my dining room. – I read over this book and looked at all the different trim ideas! I think I decided!!

60 Acres and a bride by Regina Jennings- I knew from the opening that this was the story of Naomi and Ruth…or tried to be. Two widows, coming home after living in Mexico, come home to Texas. Life is very hard though, at home. Taxes are due, Rosa does not understand the culture and is constantly making mistakes. There is a creepy neighbor sulking about, looking for trouble he can make, while the handsome, older relative fends off his own pain of blame and guilt from his wife’s suicide. This book was very good! I think I would have liked it better though, if it was not Ruth and Naomi type story…that almost ruined it for me. Rosa was so not a Ruth. In spite of that, it kept me up reading way past my bedtime!

Lost Melody by Lori Copeland and Virginia Smith

Love Finds you in Folly Beach, South Carolina by Loree LoughRead this one last night, it was a cute story. Very, very unrealistic. A man finds out that all this time his dad has not been dead, he was illegitimate. When he finds his dad, their family excitedly welcomes him into their rich family and the girl that irritated him and is constantly burning, hurting, cutting or tripping over herself is the love of his life after a few weeks of knowing her. I guess when you are over 30, why wait?

Chasing Mona Lisa by Tricia Goyer and Mike Yorkey– This book is full of history! When Gabi and Eric head to France on a mission, they receive another mission…to save the Mona Lisa. Things are never easy during war time and the chase which includes planes, espionage, kidnapping and danger of course, follows! This series is a great, very clean series, fit for those teen readers!

A Christmas Journey Home by Kathi Macias– I read this book last night! This story is about three different people. A praying Mexican grandfather, left in a dangerous part of Mexico, a couple (Francesco and Isabella and their unborn child), who are fleeing death in Mexico and find themselves dying in the desert and a bitter widow, Miriam, whose husband was murdered by drug smugglers. This story puts a spin on the the immigration political issue in a way you probably have not seen before. I don’t get into politics on my blog, so I won’t say what I think on the issue, but this book, while written in a way to make a point, it exposes much of the corruption and selfishness of people when it comes to this topic. Very interesting book!

Writing Magic- Creating stories that fly- Gail Levine

The Paris Wife by Paula McLain

Little Girl Gone by Drucilla Campbell– This one was sad. The story of a young woman who got caught up in drug use. She feels useless and alone, when she is “rescued” by Willis. Believing him to be her savior, she does everything he tells her to do, including caring for a young pregnant girl he has kidnapped. When reality hits suddenly, and she feels for more than her own life, Medora has to make a choice. What will she do? Where will she go? This was sad story as it is too common of one. One person is hurt by poor parenting, trauma or the like, and they use that pain to hurt others, thinking they are doing right.

Writing and selling the Christian Novel by Penelope Stokes

Promise Me this by Cathi Gohlke- I put this one off because I think I am going to be leading a discussion on it in April. When I saw this book was about the Titanic, well, that sort of prepares you for the tragedy. I was enthralled with this book. The survivors of the Titanic, living with survivor guilt…Michael is determined to make it up to someone he owes a lot to, while Anne is just trying to survive in life without getting bitter.
I was so, so upset about her aunt. I will leave it at that, but I thought Cathy did a great job of showing how evil a human being can be. This book is not a romantic read, but has hints of a relationship of a romantic nature amidst it. It is excellent, excellent literature! –

How to write and sell a Christian novel by Gilbert Morris…I figured he might know what he was talking about, although he has slowed down!

So, that is not counting the books I have in my to be reviewed stack!


Martha Artyomenko is an unpublished fiction author who has published some nonfiction magazine articles and reviews over the years. An avid reader and mother of four sons, she brings her many years of expertise to play when writing realistic fiction about topics of mothering, domestic violence, and childbirth. In her free time, if she is not reading, you will find her walking while musing about her next story to write or traveling to learn history for another story. Martha Artyomenko supports authors by running an active social media group (Avid Readers of Christian Fiction) and newsletter promoting niche fiction authors that would otherwise be unknown. Join me by leaving a comment or signing up for the newsletter.

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