Get Cozy, Josey
By Susan May Warren
Reviewed by Martha Artyomenko

Gone with the wind-chill!!! Hold onto your hats for this adventure with Josey in the cold of Siberia!  Talk about culture shock, when Josey discovers living without indoor plumbing, the lack of junk food as well as a neighbor whose “gift” of what Josey thought was cheese bread turns out to be Garlic sala (uncooked pig fat soaked in garlic) instead as an intro to life in her new town. Communication lapses between husband and wife, troubles with nosy people who seem to want to tell you how to raise your children, as if raising twins in a foreign country was not hard enough…all of that combined make this book a delightful read!
What I loved about it was the real factor Susan Warren put in, where I could really relate to Josey, because it was real life! The sprinkle of Russian words throughout the book adds to its realness to me and since I knew what they were saying, it added to the flavor of the book!
This book is a small paperback size that makes it a fun short read to take on a trip or wherever with you. If you are a mother, a wife and thinking of how romantic it would be to live in another country, you have to read this book! You will enjoy this and the other Josey books!<p>
You can buy this small paperback -352 pg.  Book from
If you would like to read the first chapter, here is the link to do so
Susan’s Website is here!
Susan’s blog is here
If you would like to enter the Get Cozy contest  head over to Susan’s blog tour post and comment to win a Get Cozy Basket. It will be loaded with chocolate, coffee and other goodies! Follow the link to read all about it! In your comment tell Susan about your favorite winter activity or winter memory! <p>

Now, I am going to enter you to win a copy of your very own Get Cozy, Josey!
I would like you to leave a comment telling me  what is the worst thing you have  eaten or drunk thinking it was something it was not!
Mine is fairly embarrassing……I took a drink  of a cup on the counter which I thought was the rest of hot chocolate, after I swallowed, I discovered it was breast milk, my sister had pumped…..yeah. I think the worst was having to tell her you just drank her milk. Well, now it is your turn!

Martha Artyomenko is an unpublished fiction author who has published some nonfiction magazine articles and reviews over the years. An avid reader and mother of four sons, she brings her many years of expertise to play when writing realistic fiction about topics of mothering, domestic violence, and childbirth. In her free time, if she is not reading, you will find her walking while musing about her next story to write or traveling to learn history for another story. Martha Artyomenko supports authors by running an active social media group (Avid Readers of Christian Fiction) and newsletter promoting niche fiction authors that would otherwise be unknown. Join me by leaving a comment or signing up for the newsletter.

This Post Has 13 Comments

  1. Jo

    Uggh, but I have to say that the worst thing that I ever drank was barium given to me for a test that had to be run and had two quarts to drink down in no time at all. That stuff ws nasty and I just couldn't get it down fast enough.


  2. stampedwithgrace

    I can't think of anything I've eaten, but when my dh was little he climbed up on top of the frig to get a jar of applesauce. but what he got was grease! no wonder his mom put it up so high :)

  3. Anonymous

    I would love to win this book. I have read the first Josey book. Please enter me.

    Donna Moore

  4. Anonymous

    The worst thing I have eaten is liver and onions. My mother used to make us eat it once a month. I would have to cover it all up with my mashed potatoes and anyother veggie on my plate in order to cover the taste somewhat.

  5. Anonymous

    This is my first visit to your blog. I'll be taking a look around after I finish signing up. I haven't read any of the Josey books yet, and winning this book would be a catalyst to get the first one. Thank you for the opportunity to win.

    Mimi B

    mnjesusfreak at gmail dot come

  6. Anonymous

    Sorry, I forgot to answer the question. Was distracted by the roofing guys! I don't think I've ever eaten or drank the wrong thing. I'm more a torturer. I know, but it can't be helped sometimes. :) Pretty much only to my brothers, oh and one time to our Youth Pastor who has a knack for getting others! Trust me, telling you what I've done in the past (or recently depending on your subjectivity *G*) would probably get me tossed out of the contest to win Susan's book! I wouldn't want that. Nothing harmful, ok except that one time…BUT I was around 10 so that shouldn't count. sigh…I think I'm making my case worse.

    Can I still be entered? :) Thanks

    In Christ,
    Mimi B

    mnjesusfreak at gmail dot com

  7. Anonymous

    We usually have fish for Christmas, and my Uncle always buys something exotic to add to the table. He never tells us what it is until we've tasted it and tell him what we think. The strangest thing he's ever served me was fried alligator tail. It wasn't bad, either.

  8. Anonymous

    I was previewing my comment and couldn't figure out how to add. Anyway, I have to add my comment about what I ate. When I was a nanny the family I worked for had raw oysters for appetizers for their Thanksgiving meal. That was NASTY!


  9. aaronamber

    Hi Martha!

    The worst thing I ever ate was bad pinapple. I was pregnant with our first and have a HUGE craving for pinapple….lo and behold we had some in the refrige. I was so excited. It was already cut up from a breakfast a few days earlier. I got it out, took a bit and just about threw up! YUCK!

    I love reading your reviews!

  10. lia

    Well, the worst thing i ever ate, or rather drank, had to be an amp energy drink. I'm not fond on sharing drinks, but I HAD to try the purple AMP! The person who had it let me try it and I loved it, but later found out that she was the type of person to let ANYONE have some of her drink. Like, ANYONE! They say that sharing drinks is like kissing someone, so I "kissed" about 20 people who I don't even want to sit next to. I know that probbably wasn't exactly what you wanted for this, but that's my worst.

    liatheddrfreak (at) gmAIL (DOT) COM

  11. Lilyofthevalley4

    Can I join in?!?

    Right now my mind is blank….. I know I have taken something and realized after it was not what I thought is was, but I just can't remember what it at the moment! :)

    Anyway, we take cod liver oil everyday and that still makes me shiver!

  12. Anonymous

    while working as a short term missionary in russia, our hosts asked me if i wanted what i thought was beef jerky. after tasting it, i looked it over agagin, and realized that it tasted and lloked alot like fish. i soon found out that it was dried fish pieces! as a good guest, i finished it with a smile! sarah =)

  13. Hannah

    Ate a muffin accidently made without sugar. My mom made it. Thought it was going to be sweet, definitely wasn't!
    I'd love to win a copy of this book! Susan May Warren is one of my favorite authors! hsmuda[at]gmail[dot]com thanks!

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