We have had alot of wet, cold days the last while. It is so nice to get the moisture, and I am thankful for it, but there is just something nice about sunshine! <p> We had out end of the year MOPS tea today. i wish  I would have taken pictures!  it was very pretty! We had plants for everyone that Julie had made, we had a fun game and giveaway we did as well as baskets for the babysitters. We ate yummy food, drank tea and all laughed together! <p> Afterwards, I had an appt. with a doula client, so the boys went with my sister to the park to play with other MOPS moms.  I joined them later, it was very nice and relaxing, kind of a nice finish for mother’s day.
I won this house party from Kraft and they sent me all these coupons for free food to have a party and invite friends over. i am nervous about it as I am so behind on housework, but hopefully  i can get school done and the house tip-top shape. We also have to practice for track and field day some this week as well. <p> I have a pile of manure, well, aged manure in my yard for a garden, but I have to get things fixed up, boards and boxes fixed so I can plant one! So many things to do, no truck to haul things in! <p>
We had a nice Mother’s day. It was quiet and nice…….which is good after the year we have had. Mishael was down and looking tired out, but I think she has good days and hard days. i am reminded to pray for her and those little babies and pray the time passes swiftly and they stay safe for at least 10 more weeks. I know it is all up to God, but it is so hard. You know that verse, "Hope deferred makes the heart sick" or something like that? That is how I feel. It is like we are so afraid to hope, be happy or excited at all, as every time we do we are so scared to be hurt again.  I am not sure it is healthy.  I am really tempted to buy something for those three little girls, because even if something did happen, they need something special that is theirs.

This Post Has 0 Comments

  1. pbrfans1

    I know that it is normal to fear what might happen, so you guard yourself. I have been learning a lot about love and to love those little girls you have to take the guard down and trust that God will pick up the pieces. No matter what happens, guarding yourself isn't actually going to prevent pain! Love suffers long…bears all things, etc. I have been really struggling with stuff like that too, so I understand! It's soo hard! So anyway, just want to encourage you! God is in total control!

  2. Anonymous

    I think about your family so often. You guys are special to me. Remember, Misheal's little girls are little human beings that are part of your family, whether they spend anytime here on earth or not, they have souls that will live forever. I pray that God gives your family much joy through them. ~Diana

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