Yesterday I baked French bread and then today I went on a cookie baking spree! I made Gingersnaps, Scandinavian almond strips, and chocolate chip cookies. I am going to make some Russian Teacakes, and Biscotti tomorrow. It made quite alot of cookies so I think I have enough for some for some baggies for the neighbors.

It may be really hard, because I don't really like our neighbors.

Anyhow, here is my favorite recipe for Gingersnaps.

Gingersnap cookies

1 c. sugar 1 1/2 c. melted butter or oil

2 eggs 1/2 c. molasses

4 c. flour 4 t. baking soda

1 T Ginger 2 t. cinnamon

1 t. salt

Additional sugar
Mix sugar and oil. Add eggs one at a time, beating well. Stir in molasses, Mix dry ingredients and mix in.

Shape into small 3/4″ balls and roll in the sugar

Place 2″ apart and bake 10 minutes at 350

I love this recipe! It is so easy and tastes good! You can use blackstrap molasses if you want to in this recipe. You cannot always use it, as a friend of ours found out when he made Indian pudding with it. It was unedible! We all tried to be polite and eat it…but it was impossible!

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