Would you like to win a free copy? Leave comments on this post and I will be drawing a name to win a free book!

I have met Tricia personally and heard her speak. I was very impressed with the quality her books hold compared to most regular fiction.

Even if you are not a fiction reader I think you will enjoy these books. Enjoy may be the wrong term as they are true to life fiction that was not always happy.

I was also impressed that she is not only factual, but she homeschools as well as many other things in the community.

One of those true super moms! You will also enjoy reading her blog which I have linked in the following post and see her lovely picture there.

If you want a book that makes you think and is well written, I recomend this one!

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  1. Lilyofthevalley4

    Count me in!

    I’m not sure if I have seen her books, although the cover looks familiar. I’m going to check the library. :)

  2. momtogirls5

    I love a good book and so do my girls. Count us in!

    aka momtogirls5

  3. Anonymous

    Hi Martha,
    This is Hisgirl21 from The Reader’s Corner. The book sounds so good. Please put my name in!

  4. KatyMama

    These books sound good.

    A couple of questions:
    I don’t mind competent, strong women, but is feminism pushed?
    How much romance and how it is handled?

    Thank for the review!

  5. Martha

    It is fairly factual, which means that it talks about women who have some feminist type views. I was not bothered by it as it did not state them in a feminist way. Tricia is a SAHM and you can see that through the book. It is a great way to read about history, I felt like without having all the non-christian views pushed through it.

  6. martyomenko@yahoo.com

    Oh, as far as romance, there is a bit, but not much. It is not really for too young of readers as it does discuss the plan of the Third Reich in breeding the Perfect Race and then violence. Other than that there is a wedding and a little bit of romantic moments between that couple. Edited by Martha on Jul. 21, 2006 at 3:03 PM

  7. Meribeth

    Hi Martha! Would you please enter my name in the drawing? Thank you!

    Meribeth, Homeschooling Mommy to Four

  8. gmisch

    Count me in too, Martha! I really seem to retain a lot more historical facts reading historical fiction. Sad, really, but true.

    Have a great day!

  9. Anonymous

    Hi Martha,

    I would love to win a free book. It sounds very interesting. Count me in too.

    Blessings to you and yours,
    Sharon of Jersey

  10. Anonymous

    That looks like it would be a good book to read : ) Thanks for mentioning it on my blog.
    ~Jen~ “mountainpony”

  11. agodlyhomemaker

    ok martha- i’m leaving a comment! lol -it’s tami from the Godly homemaker. i haven’t used my old blog in a while. i’m under agodlyhomemaker here now :)

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