Wednesday I knew we had company coming which made me very nervous as it was my father-in-law, 2 brother- in-laws and a sister -in-law as well as three of their  8 children. I am not only not the same nationality as them, but I have a track record of making them unhappy, well, my father in law unhappy. So, to say I was nervous was to stretch it. I had a list of things to do in the morning that included grocery shopping, cooking for the company, cleaning house, washing sheets, blankets, pillowcases, sweeping floors etc.
I had a plumber coming in the morning to fix a faucet I had broken and he fixed it and as he drove off, it started leaking everywhere from the drain pipe. I called and left a message letting him know and we stuck a dishpan underneath it. <p> I got my list organized of what I needed to buy at the store, when I got a phone call. Some friend had more potatoes for free for us, if I could come and bring boxes to pick them up.  So, I loaded up the van with children and headed out for the place for potatoes and a stop at Walmart for oil for the van first as we were out.  Then we went around looking behind stores for boxes, I found some, but they were not the strongest, but would have to do. I stopped to check the produce place out on the way and bought 90 lbs of apples for .25 a pound there. They are not perfect, but great apples! I also got 3 heads of cauliflower for .75 a head and a bag of colored peppers for $1 and some cucumbers.
I was thinking maybe I would make a cucumber tomato salad for  the evening meal. <p> We get the van all loaded up with potatoes and drive home, but I stop to give some to my cousin before going home as I know otherwise it may be awhile until I get them over to her. <p> The boys are hungry so we had a snack and I start  mixing up roll dough, simmering meat for broth for Borcht, etc. I really got rolling then. I am thinking that they are going to be well fed and just really start making stuff. I made a huge batch of rolls, but realize when they are rising that the reason they used less flour this time was because I used only the water and forgot the milk. Oh well! <p> I then get the potatoes in the Borcht,  break up arguments as I am cooking with boys and try to figure out what is wrong with P. who is acting lethargic as he does not want soup and I cannot stop to feed him something else. I sternly tell him to eat the soup or else and continue. He is laying on the floor and I realize I have to take care of it. I stop, feed him a couple dried plums, a spoon of peanut butter and force some soup down him. It is averted for a short time. <p> F. gets home and I am deep in dough, by this time making a huge batch of Challah dough and simmering the Borcht which has all the vegetables in it. He is unloading the potatoes and apples etc when the phone rings. They are almost here! Several hours before they said they would be! <p> To say panic strikes is a understatement. I stop and start crying….then draw a deep breath and fly around the house finishing up stuff, making myself continue to breathe all the while. I quickly get the rolls, shaped and rising. T. is helping me and clean up the kitchen somewhat, yeah….<p> When they get there, I just can’t move out to go say hi. I stay and keep working, but slowly I calm down, relax a bit, serve them dinner eventually, although later I realize i could not eat anything. My stomach was churning! <p>
It was  a nice visit, nothing went wrong as far as I know yet. The house was okay, they liked it anyhow! They praised my food and I was told I was "Just like a Russian woman" as far as cooking which is a very high compliment for them to give their american daughter in law. My fridge is full of sausage, cheese that I am not sure what kind it is, lots of chocolate, peanut butter and all sorts of stuff which is nice and the boys had great fun staying up to after midnight whispering with their cousins. <p>
So, anyhow, then yesterday I am recovering. I got up before 6 am to say good bye and  taught some school, took P. to literature class, I am dealing with paperwork and suddenly look at the clock and realize for the first time in my life I forgot swimming lessons and we missed the first 15 minutes or so. My poor boys!  I am still out of it and feeling out of whack, but so there is a synopsis of the last couple of days!

Martha Artyomenko is an unpublished fiction author who has published some nonfiction magazine articles and reviews over the years. An avid reader and mother of four sons, she brings her many years of expertise to play when writing realistic fiction about topics of mothering, domestic violence, and childbirth. In her free time, if she is not reading, you will find her walking while musing about her next story to write or traveling to learn history for another story. Martha Artyomenko supports authors by running an active social media group (Avid Readers of Christian Fiction) and newsletter promoting niche fiction authors that would otherwise be unknown. Join me by leaving a comment or signing up for the newsletter.

This Post Has 7 Comments

  1. Anonymous

    I am glad that you survived, even if you are not quite back to normal yet. I can't imagine what I would do in that situation, I sure wouldn't get a compliment on my cooking that's for sure.

    Sounds like you got some amazing deals on the fruit and veggies though. I hope things calm down and you get back to normal soon.


  2. pbrfans1

    Wow! What a whirlwind! I'm so glad the visit went well though and that you got through it. You are an amazing cook and they were right to compliment you! I'm so glad they brought you food too…what an extra blessing. Hopefully things get back to "normal" for you soon.

  3. drewsfamilytx

    Sounds like you had a whirlwind of a day! Just remember that even though you feel frazzled, I'm sure your in-law's and family enjoyed the time together and the food– so well done, Martha!

    My goodness– I don't think I've ever had 90lbs of anything in my house before– well, except for my hubby's twice-yearly trek to get me coffee! ;-)

  4. Lilyofthevalley4

    What a busy day for sure! I'm sure you are glad that is behind you now. Sounds like you did well! Good for you. :)

    Sounds like you got some great deals!!

  5. Anonymous

    Wow Martha! I know the aftermath of that kind of stress. I hope you can take it easy for a couple days and that you don't get sick. I am sure you were a wonderful hostess! ~Diana

  6. aaronamber

    Check out my blog for the rules and to read my answers!


  7. cappuccinosmom

    Oh wow! Stress!!!

    I'm glad it turned out well. :)

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