I was hoping to wait to blog until I got time to put pictures up, but thought I would write stuff down before I forget! <p> I headed off early in the morning on Thursday headed over 4.5 hours away to make it to the airport. It is a long drive, but it did it without any problems including driving in the city a bit when I had a few minutes to kill.  I was so impressed with myself! I am broadening my horizons!!! <p> I  only took a carry on on the flights and I was amazed at how easy it was and I don’t know that I will want to check bags again!! We flew to Denver  and waited for the plane to take off and then the time came closer and they started announcing there was a problem with electrical in the kitchen on the plane. They were trying to get it fixed, and said we would take off, and take off and then suddenly they say we are switching planes. Next announcement,  we are not switching planes, they got this one fixed, and then suddenly, we are sorry, your flight was canceled. We had to wait in line for over and hour and half  to figure out what we were supposed to do next. They gave us meal and hotel vouchers, but I had to wait for the shuttle for almost 45 minutes in the chilly night and when we got there, the place that served food was about to close. I rushed to my room, ran down, ordered some food. I was so tired, I could not eat, so just went upstairs and fell asleep! <p> I had to get up at 3 am so barely slept after 1 am and got to the airport before 5 (the shuttle was at 4:25). The flight was supposed to take off at 6 am and what do you know, it was delayed again!!! It was more like 7 am when it took off and I was moaning my lost hour of sleep. I fell asleep on the plane though and drank orange juice so I felt better! <p>
I had a  wonderful visit with my grandparents, they have done so many wonderful things in their lives and it was so much fun to listen to the stories and do things with them. I have realized how many things I do, I have gotten from them even though I am not around them much, things that are different than the rest of my family. I am very proud to be a part of their family! <p> I got to go to a  baby shower for my cousin also. She is having twins in seven weeks, a boy and girl!! It was so much fun to be able to do that, but it was a long, long shower!!! <p> I did not take alot of pictures, but I took a few and I got a chance to just relax, have fun and let go of some of the burdens of life, which is hard to do. <p> On the way home, it was interesting as it was like 2 am when I got out of the airport. It was foggy and fog freaks me out ever since  our accident in the fog, so I was driving slowly for the most part. Anyhow, here I am going the speed limit later, driving on a deserted freeway and I see a police car sitting on the side of the road. He pulls out a bit later and comes up behind me and sits there for awhile and then pulls me over. I am trying to figure out if I did something wrong, when he comes over and says that my muffler is a little loud. He checks everything and finds it all okay…..he wants to know what I am doing out this time of night, and I explain. I think he wanted to make sure I was not a teenager out on the town at 2 am or something, my muffler is not really that loud!!! Oh well, I am sure when he saw I was  30 and have never had a ticket….he figured he was safe letting me go! <p> I had to leave later in the day the next day because of the fog, but stopped to say hi to my mom and was on my way home!!! It is nice to be home even though it was fun traveling. <p> So many sick people though and now I feel like I am fighting a cold……..I am scared of getting sick, but don’t think I will really get sick.


Martha Artyomenko is an unpublished fiction author who has published some nonfiction magazine articles and reviews over the years. An avid reader and mother of four sons, she brings her many years of expertise to play when writing realistic fiction about topics of mothering, domestic violence, and childbirth. In her free time, if she is not reading, you will find her walking while musing about her next story to write or traveling to learn history for another story. Martha Artyomenko supports authors by running an active social media group (Avid Readers of Christian Fiction) and newsletter promoting niche fiction authors that would otherwise be unknown. Join me by leaving a comment or signing up for the newsletter.

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