20 Things to Experience or Accomplish this year to Spread Cheer

Goals, ideas, fun things to do!

We often when thinking about a new year, forget that it can be the time to make a difference in someone’s life. What kind of goals can you make that might make a difference in a relationship or someone’s life?


What about things that might cheer up your own life?

  • Read a genre that I would never pick up on my own
  • Cook a dinner completely from a cookbook that I have never used before
  • Replace batteries in smoke detectors
  • Replace headboard in my bedroom
  • Invite someone over for tea
  • Invite a family over for dinner
  • Extend hospitality to a stranger (or near stranger)
  • Take a kick-boxing class
  • Take an online class
  • Read a book with the title starting with each letter of the alphabet
  • Try a food that is unusual to you
  • Work on reading the Russian Language
  • Visit with an old friend that you haven’t talked to in awhile
  • Write a letter
  • Send a birthday card to someone
  • Send a surprise cheer package to someone
  • Offer a word of encouragement to a stranger
  • Drop off a bag of groceries with someone that could use it.
  • Tell someone how much they mean to you
  • Take my vitamins and give my children vitamins

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