I cannot believe this one is almost over with! It seems like it just began!

The school desks were still in the living room, but since they cannot be picked up until later, we moved back downstairs. It is hard to vacuum a rug with them in there.

Language arts- H.’s got very sick when we got to my mom’s and even though I had taken him to the doctor before, I called the doctor back and let him know. The doctor saw him on Sat. and told me that he wanted to test him for pertussis. That was a stressful weekend, as because they told me it was the tail end of a virus that other family had already had, he had been away from others, but not secluded like I would have, if I thought it was that. I prayed a lot. He is finally getting better now and it was not pertussis. He took the whole series of antibiotics and it was nice to see him back to his old self at the end of this week!

“Mom, when you have desks, doesn’t that mean you throw your books on the floor when you are done?”

L. on his second book in two days.

My nephew came over for the day on Tuesday, so T. read aloud to him.

Wednesday…another good day of school. We got a lot of our school done, as I knew that Thursday and Friday were going to be crazy.

L. giving his body nourishment!

I completed NaNoWriMo this week, going over 50K words and ready to finish my story! I was so excited!

Basketball tournament

P. broken digit. At a basketball game early in the week, another child knocked off the splint/cast somehow. He had dreams of it falling off on the court that night. It is healing well, thankfully, and basketball does not effect it’s healing.

P.’s haircut

Thursday was absolutely nuts….
There was school in the morning and I only got like 700 words written. I raced around like crazy! The boys had classes, and I traded boys with another mom to get them to their games on time to the tournaments.

They did well! The teams were not very evenly matched though….
L. out there playing!
We came home to potato soup and I baked some oatmeal cookies! I will post recipes in separate threads!

Tomorrow is more basketball tournaments and Saturday, we have play auditions as well as tournaments. We can pray I keep my sanity!

I am reading this cookbook which has some great recipes I would like to try in it! They are simple and look like things we would actually eat!

This Post Has 0 Comments

  1. JoAnn

    Sounds like a very busy week. Glad everyone is starting to feel better. I hope you have a great weekend.

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