This is the follow up story after Escape, about the life after she escaped from a very abusive lifestyle and cult. This story details how she fought to save children that she knew and loved from the cult with The Raid on the compound
It is alot of info about her life, the sufferings she and her children endured. and much of it was stuff resonated with me sadly. She hassome excellent points in this book. one chapter she speaks of how forgiveness freed her, not running away, but forgiving freed her in a way nothing else could.
In some ways though, she kept saying things like the clothing made them happier, how her styled hair made her happier, yet she spoke of some women in the cult, that still were very strong women.
She was a teacher, and watched how the children were supposedly homeschooled and were not taught school at all. It bothered her very badly, and understandably so, but it also caused her to use the book as a platform against homeschoolers and she paints them with a very broad brush, saying no one teach can teach all the subjects, every child is better off in school and she gave her children the gift of public education. This on the same day i get a magazine in the mail (secular one) with an article on how our public schools are failing and how several schools that are rated the highest, are patterning themselves after home schools! I respectfully disagree, and yes, I know there are some very bad parents who say they homeschool and cult groups who use this, but that is not why most people homeschool. She got a little off by doing this in her book as she did not have her facts right.
I am so glad to see that she was able to try to help others in the group, and that give hope to women in these situations.