Our church service was about traditions today. It was really interesting! Instead of singing before the service they sang after the sermon!
One thing really stuck out to me, he read a verse Matt. 15:3 about how the pharisees say that you do not have to honor your father and mother basically if you are “serving God”. That struck a nerve! Wow! I don't know why I have not seen that before! The law says if you curse your father or mother then you should be put to death. This is something that is really important to God. Why don't we discuss this more? It doesn't say “If a wife does not submit to her husband she will be put to death.” or “If you are not sober minded you will be put to death.” But it does say this! Then Jesus repeats it and says what hypocrites they are as they try to get away from honoring their father and mother by giving to God.
Anyhow, very interesting!

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