Reviewed by Martha Artyomenko
Sweetened with Honey
Book Description:(From author’s website)
Gabriel Rubachuk returns to Galena Landing, Idaho, once the setting of a charmed life before an accident killed his pregnant wife. Will he embrace hope for a new life or escape once again?

Beekeeper Sierra Riehl has spent three years helping to keep Gabe’s health food store afloat while he worked with orphans in Romania. Now he’s back, but it looks like he might bolt. Can she hold him still long enough to spark a romance? But Sierra’s hope falters when she begins to suspect she can’t give Gabe the life he deserves.

Is new love sweet enough to overcome the pain of the past and the uncertainty of the future?

My Review:
You know how many times people complain that all romantic books, especially Christian fiction are all cliche and the same story just told a bit differently? Well, maybe you have not heard it, but I have. Valerie Comer’s books will not have you saying that. If you are looking for something different in the world of Christian fiction, don’t look any longer, but pick up this series. Sweetened with Honey is the third book in the series, which you will not want to miss out on reading. Sierra is not your normal heroine, I think you will get that from the opening chapter where she is using bee stings as an alternative health treatment. I had a soft spot for Gabe when I met him in book number one and really enjoyed seeing his story continue in Sweetened with Honey. You will also see many of the other characters you have grown to know and love in the previous books. Jo for example, has learned a lot of lessons, but maybe not quite as many as she should have. You will enjoy hearing more about the self sustaining farm, the recipes Claire has come up with and what Sierra has been up to while Gabe has been absent. Valerie makes the stories so real, you feel like you could actually drive to northern Idaho and visit the farm or book it for your next wedding.

Ready for an out of the box romance? Pick up this farm fresh romance today!!! If you have not read the first two, run out and get those too!

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