I knew that this week could get interrupted at any time, so I tried to focus as much as possible on learning and getting things done.
We ended up only missing one day….= )

I didn’t take as many pictures of our bookwork this week! Here are some of the hands on science, geology and others that we did!

Learning in a hands on way!

Refilling water bottle after steep hike

Always a smile!

Science hike to check on our bone….

We had 14 children and 4 mothers…

There it is!!!

Looking and learning about decomposition and maggots

The captive audience

A very active bee hive we walked by quickly!


A tree that I would like to identify…

Also, for part of Russian class we attend a Russian speaking church on Sundays. This past Sunday was a baptism…

I am short so seeing was a problem!

Some of the young people singing

Part of the family group picture afterwards….

We then had a new nephew born, so I had to miss Friday for the labor….
I kept this one tasteful for queasy readers, but we used the placenta as a science lesson, learning about veins, blood vessels and how the baby survives inside a mother.
The midwife teaching the boys…

That concluded the week! We spend a lot of time enjoying our study of Rome, learning new math and reading. My son was working on his first book report and enjoying it!!! We have tried before and it did not go well! So this was something to rejoice about!

This Post Has 0 Comments

  1. JoAnn

    Looks like a great field trip.

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