I need to update as far as our school weeks. Basically, we have been doing school, play practice, basketball the last several weeks. It has consumed me, so that blogging has not been on the top priority list.

I am at that point in the year where I am remembering why spring break was invented for teachers. I am looking with longing at the books on my to-read piles and wishing for time to just sit to read.

FullSizeRender-5 All year, after H. has his writing class, he has been taking care of this little guy while his mom teaches Geometry.


Lots and lots of drama practice…

IMG_0205 One of the best parts of drama practice, is that everything is sprinkled with prayer and close friendships. Plus, there is always great learning going on here. The discipline learned here, translates into other areas of life and school.

We are finished with week 31 of MFW 1850-Modern times. We have been enjoying Crash Course history videos on YouTube immensely to go along with our reading. They are great!

We were learning about JFK and also were able to find all sorts of great things online to really cement that home!

This is short, but I figured it was better than nothing! =)

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  1. Michelle Vargas

    Thank you for mentioning crash course for History.  I had never heard of this and it looks great!  Michelle   From: homeschooling4boyz To: vargasmm@yahoo.com Sent: Monday, March 16, 2015 10:06 AM Subject: [New post] School weeks… #yiv3635790250 a:hover {color:red;}#yiv3635790250 a {text-decoration:none;color:#0088cc;}#yiv3635790250 a.yiv3635790250primaryactionlink:link, #yiv3635790250 a.yiv3635790250primaryactionlink:visited {background-color:#2585B2;color:#fff;}#yiv3635790250 a.yiv3635790250primaryactionlink:hover, #yiv3635790250 a.yiv3635790250primaryactionlink:active {background-color:#11729E;color:#fff;}#yiv3635790250 WordPress.com | martyomenko posted: “I need to update as far as our school weeks. Basically, we have been doing school, play practice, basketball the last several weeks. It has consumed me, so that blogging has not been on the top priority list.I am at that point in the year where I am r” | |

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