We had planned on going swimming all day….but the weather was hit and miss…so we decided to take the kids on a train ride. It was so much fun! They had not ever been on a train and this was a cheap way to enjoy it!

Waiting for the train with cousins


This cutie was always so patient….I think I only heard him cry maybe twice…our whole visit

On the train….some of the cousins, these are my husband’s sister’s children.


L. still looks a little sleepy

The train was full on the way into the city, so they were standing….

Playing with Playmobile on the train

Isn’t he a cute guy? (This is another cousin)

Waiting for a snack


And off the train as it fades into the distance….

The whole group…almost…


Swimming plans were put on hold as the weather started to rain and thunder. We headed to Fred’s sister Tanya’s house for lunch. While ordering pizza, the weather seemed to clear up, so we decided to eat quick and then head out. But….the weather went up and down, while eating, it started to downpour and thunder. The kids were really sad. We relaxed and had tea (which was accompanied by wonderful candy and desserts).

It was about 4 pm. when the weather seemed to settle and was very warm out, so we decided to go see what we could find. At the first place, it was $10-14 a person for only one hour and we had to pay for the ones who were not swimming. We decided to try a new place.
We found a place that was $5 each, so that was great! They had lots of fun…

Splashing in the pool

Waiting in line for the diving board….there was this man who was in training and did a great job!

L. about to dive


P. in position to go

T. Warming up

Snuggling with their mommy after water time

How many adults does it take to open a licorice package?

Sharing licorice with his aunt….

They were so cute sitting there sharing their licorice…


Those licorice ropes were cheap….so they ate tons of them!


Bobbi teaching a lesson to all of them on swimming

Cousin V. warming up…

It was a great day! They were all tired and had so much fun! P. and H. got their girl cousins to jump off the diving board which was fun to watch!

This Post Has 0 Comments

  1. Susan

    hmmm, seems a bit of a shame to have to pay to go to a pool in the “land of 10,000 lakes”! But looks like they had fun.

    1. Martyomenko

      LOL! It does, but I have a sort of phobia about MN lakes….but I did allow them to swim in one later, but it still had me scared to death.

  2. JoAnn

    Looks like everyone had a great time. :)

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