Today when the sun popped out, I was so happy to see it! It has been cold, wet and rainy and of course, I decided to try to have a garage sale on the wettest day of all!! I sold a few things, I have gone through alot of things and I have gotten rid of lots of stuff!!! I am so excited! I love getting rid of things, I am selective in my getting rid of stuff, but it is very nice. I should have taken a picture of me in a very ugly coat, but I was warm!!!

I am hoping with less stuff, means less cleaning, and more time for catching up on sewing, reading, and scrapbooking, which I am dreadfully behind on. Well, maybe not the reading, although I have barely had time for it lately.

We had a very small roof leak yesterday, with all the rain and sometimes these little things scare me. When, me, more afraid of ladders than heights, has to climb onto the roof….it is not a fun day. I look at the roof and wonder if I must get skilled at roofing repairs as well. A new roof should not leak, not one that is 3 years old, so I am pretty sure it is around the new vent we put in last year and needs some roofing cement. Yes, I picked up our handy home repair manual this morning, and learned some things. I also have to figure out why the electrical is not working in the garage. “sigh”.

I am sitting here with songs from “1776” drumming through my head, and finding that it is cheery, just to see the sunshine through the window. Now, I am off to find out why my husband popped a breaker!

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  1. Susy Flory

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    PS Here’s more on Dog Tales:

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