It is raining here today! Ia m thankful as we really needed the moisture. The skiy was so dark this morning that I had to turn lights on in the living room. That is one thing I have not had to do for a long time. It really saves on the electric bill that way! I was really chilly so am wearing a sweatshirt, but somehow feel grimy because of it! I think it is because it doesn't look quite as neat.
I have been really working on the looking nice part. I get really self concious as I wonder if I am judging my appearance the right way. For awhile, I never heard “You look nice today!” It started to really bother me, but then I started to think about who I am seeking praise from. What are they looking at to judge from? When I look at much of the clothing in the stores, I really do not want to look like that!
Someone was commenting on the Duggar's a large family with 14 or 15 children that have been on TV and commented on their clothing being awful. I was shocked somewhat! When I looked at photos of them I was impressed with how they were dressed!
I then realized that I guess I don't want to please the world or stay in height of fashion, nor do I want to be sloppy or frumpy. A nice inbetween would be nice!

I was readign online the newspaper and discovered there is a escaped prisoner not far from here, still on the loose!!!!! Yikes! That is a bit scary to me! They caught one man, but the other they said is still free and may be armed and dangerous! I was thinking of going to Moriah and Joe's house, but that is close to where he was so, I don't know now!
i know, I know, I need to trust in God more and not worry so much!

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