
We had a clogged pipe this week, so my peaches were waiting in the fridge to get done. Thankfully they lasted well and this was the last of them!


I canned some jars of peach pie filling and saved a few for a fresh peach dessert.


Peach Dessert

1 pkg. graham crackers crushed
1/4 c. butter, melted
12 oz. cream cheese, softened
1/2 pint whipping cream
5 peaches, peeled and sliced
(I used the rest of the peach filling that did not have peaches in it, but you could use an extra peach, mash it up, and add 1.5 c. water and 1/4 c. sugar. Bring to a boil. Add 2 T. cornstarch mixed with a little cold water, cook until thickened. Add cinnamon and small amount of nutmeg to taste. Cool)

Place graham cracker crumbs in 9x 13″ baking pan. Drizzle melted butter over and slightly mix. In mixing bowl beat cream cheese until mixed well. Add whipping cream and beat until thick and fluffy. (I did not sweeten it as I wanted it to be lower sugar and it was plenty sweet with the pie filling and graham crackers)
Spread over graham cracker crust.


Top with sliced peaches and then filling over top. Keep in refrigerator until ready to serve.

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  1. Naomi

    It looks so yummy!

  2. JoAnn

    Very yummy looking. I’ll have to try that recipe soon. Thanks for sharing it. :)

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