You will be transported into another world with this version of Focus on the family Radio Theater’s version of Oliver Twist. From your horror in the beginning that people could actually treat children in such horrific manner, to the realizing while you are listening that this still goes on today in many parts of the world, this audio version will touch your heart and soul and reach into your children’s minds as well.

We listened to this on our trip to and from Thanksgiving dinner and it really spoke to us about how thankful we were for what we have. It also made us want to reach out more to the orphans, abused children and those around us. I see how many times in this time, we do similar things to what happened in that time in England. We are afraid that the child, since they were orphaned, abandoned etc. that they may have problems bigger than what we can help with, and it is true. Sometimes they do. But I see the adoptive parents, the foster parents and others around me and to me, they are heroes. They stepped outside their comfort zones, to show love. I believe even if the outcome is not always what they wanted, God sees their hearts and can use that in that child’s life someday.

This audio version of Oliver Twist is not easy to listen to always, but it is not graphically done. The evil people are evil, including the people from the church. The good people are good, but they are afraid as well at times and are certainly not perfect. My children, ages 8-14, as well as my husband and I were mesmerized by this story. The trip was very quiet and went by super fast because of this!

I highly recommend it, especially if you have a long drive coming up!

This audio version was provided for review by Tyndale and the reflections reflected here are my own and I was not paid for my review.

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  1. JoAnn

    Sounds like a good audio version. I’ll have to listen to it sometime. :)

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