
Veggie Pizza
The bridal shower was ’50’s themed, and veggie pizza was not really that, but it was the brides favorite.
Fruit tarts

Cupcake sundaes


Cream puffs!! I am pretty proud of myself for these! They were not that hard and they turned out great! I made chicken salad to eat with them, but also we filled some with whipped cream for later! They were wonderful.

Mom and my sister…..

My little sister


Me ironing….


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  1. mary

    looks like fun. Awesome food!

  2. HeatherK

    Wow! What a neat idea to have a themed shower. The food looks delicious and the table beautiful!

  3. lettermom

    Awesome job Martha! You ladies look beautiful and I’d love to try your cream puff recipe! They look so good!

  4. Angie NC

    Looks amazing and fun!!! :)

  5. Esther Glick

    wonderful job Martha! Everything is so creative and inviting!! looks like a fun party!
    ~~Esther (“purplepetunia”)

  6. Trying to comment again, seeing if it’ll go through on the computer instead of on my phone! :) Anyway, those cream puffs look fabulous! :) You are so cute, I don’t know why you run from the camera. You’re very photogenic.


    1. Martyomenko

      Thanks!!! I have never liked photos of myself…..

  7. Mommydue

    Great pics & looks like you have some GREAT food :)

  8. Julie

    Hold on while I wipe the drool. Now I’m hungry. I do have to run to the store for some eggs. Our fridge is empty! ;)

  9. lisa

    great job martha! your sister is so blessed to have you in her family! i’m tempted to go whip up some cream puffs right now, even though it’s 10:30pm!! mmmm

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