I did not post terribly much this week! It has been a hard one! But we lived through it and I think maybe P/ for all his complaining about having to take a Beginning Writing and Grammar class, may end up enjoying it! I am not sure if he will beg me for another one, but we will see. Our weather here today has vacillated between snowing and sunny! It cannot make up it’s mind if it wants spring to come or not! Right now it is snowing, an hour ago, the sun was shining!
I had to do some different grocery shopping this week and spend more on food as I was trying to tempt someone’s appetite, but I think I can figure it out, I hope! I did get some good deals though! I got two blocks of cheese for $4 ($2 a pound for cheddar cheese), Eggs, toilet paper, pasta etc. pretty cheap as well. The pasta was .49 a pound, which is good!
Anyhow, I am mostly done for the week already  unless there are amazing sales I have to get next week.
Corned beef and cabbage, potatoes (I did not feel like freezing the corned beef this time)
Corned beef hash,  cauliflower and broccoli- in a salad or with dip or steamed, not sure or coleslaw
We could even have Reuben sandwiches…..hmmmm, well, maybe we will have some of both!
Borcht- Bread
Cabbage rolls, mashed potatoes (i have no ground meat so I am going to try to make these with like a pot roast type meat, we will see  how it goes. Maybe I will be too tired on Saturday and will clean the house instead and eat leftovers!)
Pasta, spaghetti sauce, salad
BBQ chicken, Broccoli  cauliflower salad, pasta salad
Skillet scalloped potatoes and ham, green beans

This Post Has One Comment

  1. pbrfans1

    I bought stuff for cabbage rolls and put them on my menu….can you give me your recipe? I also had corned beef…that's funny! I guess that's what happens when we shop the same sales….no borscht for me after the last time! If you are already planning on being too tired on Saturday, you must have a long week…it's only Tuesday! =)

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