Wednesday: We sort of skipped dinner….. I think we got busy and they had peanut butter toast
Thursday: Fajitas,  Spanish rice (They were sort of my own variety with taco type toppings on it), Peppers were really expensive, but I found a pepper/onion mixture that was discounted and cheaper than fresh peppers. I picked out the onions and it was good! <p>
Friday:   Baked Chicken, baked potatoes, rolls, salad
Saturday: Enchiladas, rice, salad
Sunday:  Breakfast for dinner- whole wheat pancakes, scrambled eggs and sausage, fruit smoothies
Monday: Pizza, salad
Tuesday: Meal with the exchange group- Homemade oatmeal rolls  and maybe something else
My tomato plants survived! It was alot of work, but I covered them with small plastic tubs and a blanket to keep it warm. They look a little sad, but hopefully will live and give us some tomatoes! It may seem silly to some, but with our small budget for food, they will  really help us out alot with the garden. My beans are doing well, the radishes, beets, zucchini and spinach is looking good. I also have jalapeno pepper plants and hopefully the cucumbers will grow too.
The snow was so strange,  the funny thing was  that   they did not get any  where my parents live! It stuck, that was what was so weird…….anyhow, I did take a picture…<p> P. is listening to The Hiding Place on audio tape and it is a hard book to listen to. But it is a good way to learn about that time period, although hard. I am very glad that I read it as young as I was also. We also listened to 20,000 leagues under the sea, one of my favorite books!
<p> Today for lunch I made this really tasty  vegetable skillet, I sauteed some fresh garlic and mushrooms, then added some spinach, zucchini, and a fresh tomato. Then I sprinkled it with a small amount Romano cheese and spices. It was really good! I got mushrooms cheap discounted, they were a different type called Bella.

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