i finished my apron on Sunday and got it mailed off. I took a picture, but it is hard to take pictures of an apron not on a person and have it look right. It is big on me, so i did not want to wear it! It turned out nice though!
You can’t see the pockets in the picture, but they are neat looking!
<p> On Monday, I managed to get the van registered….whoo, hoo!  We got the title straightened out! The company had signed in the wrong spot, but we got it straightened out! It could have been a mess!<p> it was my sister’s and brother’s birthday on Monday, so my sister and I drove up to spend the day. My sister is 13 and my brother is 10…..
We went to their school and had pizza and pie and this really good tortellini salad mom made!
My brother- getting his pie!
My sister and her friends……she is in the gray sweatshirt jacket…
They then went to the pet store to get a fish tank and fish for my brother’s present, it smelled pretty bad, to me anyhow, so we stopped and waited at a park while they went. They also had rats which gave me the shivers…they were jumping and trying to get out, which was worse! At least they were not gray, that would have been awful!
H. love monkey bars!
My lovely sister!
One of my nephews!!
After the park we went back to the house for dinner and more cake….and a wonderful spinach salad! i left my camera in the car then so not many pictures…..
Anyhow, today we went grocery shopping and i decided to do #32 on my list for this week, send out three birthday cards….because i had to send out some anyhow! I have to do one more, and I am not sure who i will send it to though!
<p> My menu this week:
Wednesday: Spaghetti, bread, salad
Thursday: Chicken ceasar salad, crusty french bread
Friday: Steak, Oven fries, steamed broccoli
Saturday: Mashed potatoes, meat gravy, cabbage salad
Sunday: Kids cook and clean, hopefully!
Monday: Salami sandwiches, salad
Tuesday: Pizza, salad

This Post Has One Comment

  1. Lilyofthevalley4

    Very cute apron!! :)

    Looks like you had a lovely day too. :)

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