or just when I say that will it speed it up again? I sure hope not!!
Apple crumb pie I made for a friend’s dinner who had a baby and a Raspberry crumb for us. It was extra special as I used my own homemade pie fillings!  Ours was sure yummy!!!


Getting ready for dinner! T. was helping me make dinner and thought that along with our Shepherd’s pie, peaches, and pie, we needed popcorn……= ) <p>
I went on this ladies retreat and there was an amazing view from the room where we stayed. I was not tall enough to get it without the window, so this was the best I could do. I did take one with the window and it was okay…..
The ladies visiting in the living room!
T. got a infection in his lymph glands and was pretty sick a  bit ago….they were holed up in the chairs or in bed for about a week!
Anyhow, life is slowly going back to normal! I am attempting to get some spring cleaning done! We did laundry up yesterday, and going through clothes to get rid of them. We cleaned the carpets, washed the floors, I have a list a mile long, but I am working on it!!! We have actually already been able to be at the park twice this year. It is amazingly warm here this year.

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