Jennifer-An O’Malley Love Story

by Dee Henderson

Reviewed by Martha Artyomenko


Book description:

It’s a summer of change for Jennifer O’Malley. The busy physician has a pediatrics practice in Dallas, and meeting Tom Peterson, and falling in love, is adding a rich layer to her life. She’s sorting out how to introduce him to her family–she’s the youngest of seven–and thinking about marriage.

She’s falling in love with Jesus too, and knows God is good. But that faith is about to be tested in a way she didn’t expect, and the results will soon transform her entire family.


My review:

This book is short and sweet. If you have not read the O’Malley series yet, this opens the series, sort of introduces you to the family, the way they came together, how Tom and Jennifer met, and what she does for a living, since she is mentioned in all the other books, but not really detailed. It is very short, and the romance was a little too rushed to feel very real, but it does have the sweetness in it that her O’Malley series has, but without the suspense part. 

Even though I know the rest of Jennifer’s story, when I finished this, it made me want to re-read the O’Malley series, which was probably the author’s plan when she wrote this appetizer of a book. If you go to buy it, remember that, it is an appetizer, not really a main course and you will enjoy it much more! 


This book was provided for me for review by Bethany House and the opinions contained herein are my own. 

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