Well, yesterday one thing happened after another….it was seriously one of the worst weekends in a long time. I think the climax was when I walked into the other room, the boys decided to bake. It was  partly my fault as I had told them could get a drink, so when I heard a strange noise of water, I thought it was fine, but when I checked I was shocked…..how on earth in such a short amount of time can 2 boys make such a mess. It actually cleaned up well, but 8 lbs of sugar was dumped into a bowl of water in the sink and flour was salvaged, but it was in my carpet. <p> Anyhow, today, the house is a mess, but we are working on school. I gave up on some of the bookwork as we got started late and they could not think well. So we got some math and reading done and then started on my feeble attempts to make a sort of a lapbook on fall.  We’ll see how it turns out. <p> Here is a picture of us starting. The picture is small so it hides the mess on the counter!
The living room on the other hand, there is no hiding the mess!
So, what can we be if not real? Life is hard sometimes…..


Martha Artyomenko is an unpublished fiction author who has published some nonfiction magazine articles and reviews over the years. An avid reader and mother of four sons, she brings her many years of expertise to play when writing realistic fiction about topics of mothering, domestic violence, and childbirth. In her free time, if she is not reading, you will find her walking while musing about her next story to write or traveling to learn history for another story. Martha Artyomenko supports authors by running an active social media group (Avid Readers of Christian Fiction) and newsletter promoting niche fiction authors that would otherwise be unknown. Join me by leaving a comment or signing up for the newsletter.

This Post Has 0 Comments

  1. pbrfans1

    Your house always looks so clean to me! Even when it's "messy" it looks cleaner than most days in my house. =) If you can do that with 4 boys…I wonder what's wrong with me? LOL Anyhow, I'm sorry Saturday was so rushed. I wish we could've just sat and talked. Maybe we'll have to try to plan a day we can just hang out. I hope you are doing ok. I didn't get to talk to you on Sunday either.

  2. amandasangels

    Your house looks fantastic compared to mine! Especially for having 4 boys to keep up with all day. Thank you for sharing and keeping it "real" though. Maybe I should post a picture of my living room right now so that you will never, ever, ever feel bad about your house again. :)
    Love & Blessings,
    (: Amanda :)

  3. rellamom

    Thankyou for the comment, Martha! I LOVE getting comments, especially from you.
    What church do you go to now? We attend Pleasant View Mennonite Church. One of the ministers and his wife have really helped me and made me appreciate the church more. Someday I hope to become a member there…
    Church is a blessing and makes one glad to be alive, does'nt it? I love learning more about God…He is so kind and good to us!
    Gotta go.


  4. Anonymous

    Amen to that. Life is hard sometimes and the more I focus on the hard parts and the parts of life that I feel have let me down, the unhappier I become. It is so easy to bog down and look at the negative for me. We heard a good sermon on Sunday about not looking to the world for happiness. When I think back to how depressed I felt last week I know I was looking for satisfaction from the things in life that are not important and can't bring satisfaction in the end. Like body image, wealth, nice house with nice things. Anyway, I have been thinking of you.
    I can't believe how quickly kids can get into things either. It makes me feel like a terrible mother that Ethan has played in the toilet so many times already. I just can't keep the door shut 100% of the time. Hope you are having a good week. I enjoyed the pictures. ~Diana

  5. Lilyofthevalley4

    Our house is not always tidy! Seems we can clean it all up and with in an hour, it is cluttered again. Sigh….

    Anyway, you are not alone!!

    I just wanted to add, I enjoyed seeing the pictures you ahve share recently too. Your boys are handsome fellows. :)

    Edited by Lilyofthevalley4 on Oct. 21, 2007 at 7:51 PM

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