It seems like the week is all mixed up for me! Anyhow, I don't know why! I have been doing my not sleeping routine again, but really, it is a blessing because I have been waking up rested!

School with Paul has not been going well though…”sigh”. He has been very stubborn about doing it so I need to fid some alternative methods of teaching! I start to wonder if there is something else I am dealing with, but I think it is not much that hard work would not cure!

I stopped at the second hand store today and picked up a couple of games, books etc. The one is a game of Sorry that is pretty old. I do not know how old, but it looks old! We already have the game, but for .50 maybe I can sell it or something!

I talked to social security yesterday and it looks like they owe us a bit more money. It is quite the blessing, but another example to me how worry is useless! I was so worried this past week of what we were going to do if we didn't make some more money this month, but now it looks like God came though like He always does, right when I need it, not before, and not late. I was also blessed with being able to make a bit of money babysitting and some other things, I know God will take care of us. I was feeling bad as there are so many birthdays in our family this month and the beginning of Dec. and I like to have at least little presents for everyone! Now, maybe I can!

First is Sat. Nov. 19 is Mishael. She will be 19! Then next is Thanksgiving (not a birthday I know, but still..) and then Maria and Regina's is the 25th. Maria will be 24 and Regina will be 15. Next there is Fred (my husband) on Dec. 2nd, he will be 32. Lynette (my niece) is next on Dec. 3rd and will be 6. Dec. 4th is my brithday and I will be 27 (Yikes!). Dec 6th is my Grandmother on my dad's side and then Dec. 25 is Christmas and my grandmother on my mom's side. When you add all that to Christmas and Thanksgiving it makes for our Birthday season around here!

Any other November/December Birthday's out there?

This Post Has 0 Comments

  1. Sandlappersue

    I have one Christmas Eve and my husband’s is New Year’s Eve. I am one year older than him and we will be 35 and 34.

    Enjoy reading your entries.



  2. Anonymous

    I just celerated my 33rd! yesterday on the 16th. I blogged a list of 33 things I am thankful for.
    Roberta :)

  3. Anonymous

    Hi Martha,

    Thanksgiving is a very special day this year because it is my husband Terry’s birthday another reason to give thanks.

    Sharon H

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