Do you think it is okay for children to make up stories and act like they live in a imaginary world?

Do you think it can go too far?

I had quite the imagination as a child, and as life went on I found life was not too fun sometimes. Things did not turn out nearly like i wanted them to. In my imagination I could be anything, do anything, I just had to be alone and I could do, say, or be anything! It was tons of fun!

But as I grew up older and older, I did not outgrow it. Instead, I thought it was more fun to live in the other world's I had created for myself than real life. I hated being with people, I was shy in some ways and felt awkward, like I never fit in. In my “different world” I fit in, people wanted me around and I never lacked for words.

But when I was older I realized what a grip this had on me, how I was not content with the life I lived and was fleeing to another all the time. I prayed and determined to stop. And stop I did!

So, my question is, how do you encourage a healthy imagination, and not progress to discontent? Someday, I would like to write a book with some of the adventures I had when I was younger as I still think about them!!! I know, that is funny, but it was very real!

Do you think you should have strict rules on reading books that would promote discontent? But most of mine were of being a missionary, a wife, a mother, a doctor, worthwhile things…… I don't see they were sinful thoughts, just not my life and it went on too long.

Or maybe I am all wrong! Maybe it was not wrong? Anyhow, just something I have been thinking of!

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  1. gmisch

    I think that a good imagination is vital to childhood. I think it is something that God put into us to free us from worldly worries. It definitely could be taken too far, but I think that would fall under the responsibility of the parents to make sure that the imagination isn’t the child’s whole world, that the child is required to participate in family activities and has fun in the real world.

    Anyway, my thoughts for now…

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