Here was my plan:
Weighing… one pound of something…
How many oz in a pound?

How many more oz do we need to make one and half pounds?

If I buy half a pound of that, how much will it cost?

Look at the items in the cart….make an estimate of the cost

We need to buy 2 lbs of cheese. The cheese is in 8 oz. block. How many should i buy?

If we need 10 quarts of milk for the week, how many gallons should we buy?

Is that an even number? Should we round up or down?

If I have a coupon for this item that is .55 off, and it is 1.50, how much will it cost after the coupon?

We need 1 piece of chicken per family member. How many pieces do we need?
If we had four guests, how many altogether would that be?
if I buy an orange for each of us, and weigh them, how much will it cost for all of us to have an orange?

We had to do a slightly different lesson, as my printer decided not to print, but we did have a very useful lesson at the grocery store.
Before that, we did a nutrition lesson and planned meals with talking about the food groups.

Here is our plan for the week:
Cashew Chicken Salad
This was my pick!
Thursday: Lasagna, Green Salad
Friday: Broccoli soup/ Bread (I think I bought the broccoli, I handed it to my husband and then I am not sure if I paid for it..otherwise it will another kind of soup)
Saturday: Bean Burritos (homemade refried beans and tortillas)
with carrot sticks
Sunday: Leftovers
Monday: Chicken Empanadas, fruit salad
Tuesday: Shish Kebabs, pita bread and grilled vegetables

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