
So, when you get tired from planning a wedding, go to the grocery store and buy hardly anything, but know it has to be enough for the week, it makes meal planning mean you have to use your imagination!!!

Milk was too expensive for what I wanted to pay for it. So, we went without it this week! I am not sure I even missed it! My husband drank tea instead and the boys drank water. We all survived!

There was yogurt in the fridge I discovered that was good still. It was from June. I think it was time to get used up! I made a batch of 34 muffins this morning… recycled muffin recipe!! = ) This time there was not any recycling going on, but peach and oatmeal muffins made from stuff in the pantry! Peaches from 2 years ago, (home canned), oats (bought in bulk) and flour of course with other baking stuff.

Last night, we had chicken enchiladas…..I used a quesadilla that got overcooked and was dry, but had a ton of cheese on it and I diced it up small and mixed it with a half of a chicken breast, a can of black beans, a couple diced banana pepper from the garden, then I diced up some more corn tortillas.  I added a bit of enchilada sauce from the pantry and mixed it up. I put it in a glass pie pan and then poured the rest of the sauce over and topped with some cheese. We ate it with leftover olives from the wedding and the last spoonfuls of sour cream in the fridge.

Tonight, I made a cheesy rice pilaf, pan fried chicken fingers with the rest of the chicken breast package, and vegetable medley. It had half a red pepper (leftover from the wedding), a zucchini (from the garden), mushrooms (leftover from the wedding) seasoned with salt, basil (from the garden), and garlic. I rolled the chicken pieces after dipped in egg in bread crumbs (leftover french rolls from the wedding). I also cut up the rest of the red pepper and a cucumber (also leftover from the wedding) and we ate those too.

So, recycling food can be fun…..using your imagination can be yummy too!!!

The chicken I bought for $3.20 last week, and it went for two meals and will probably be a late night snack for my son too.  Using your imagination, if you look around does not always have to be unhealthy, and can be tasty! I think maybe if I get some milk, bread pudding with lemon sauce is coming up!

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