
Reviewed by Martha Artyomenko

Book Description

Bri McKoy, of the blog Our Savory Life, celebrates the power of the everyday table and shows how, by regularly and intentionally gathering around it, we can follow in the footsteps of Jesus and usher in grace, love, and deep fellowship.

Raised in the world of takeout and microwaveable meals, like so many busy women Bri McKoy found herself utterly lost in the kitchen and nowhere near using her dining room table as an inviting place of community. However, as she learned how to more intentionally invite not just others but also herself to her table every day, she noticed that the kitchen stopped feeling like a prison cell and started feeling like a sanctuary, that gathering with others around the table, like Jesus often did during his time on earth, had the power to usher in deep relationship and a fuller understanding of God’s love and grace.

In Come and Eat, Bri invites readers on an adventure of burnt pie, ten-pound bags of onions, and kitchen catastrophes to discover how to transform a common dining-room table into a vehicle that ushers in the presence of Jesus. It’s an invitation with no pressure, no strings attached, no advanced cooking skills or fancy accouterments necessary. Just a healthy appetite and a desire to take a deeper look into the power and ministry that can be found at the table. Combining biblical reflection with engaging personal stories from Bri’s own home, as well as the tables she has joined around the world, Come and Eat shows readers how they can intentionally make their own tables a vibrant source of life.

My Review:

This is one of those non-fiction books that you pick up and feel like you were pulled up to the kitchen table with the author. Bri has a honest approach to life as she engages you in story, encouragement and a lovely way of giving practical ways to create your own hospitality and ministry to others. It is done in a relevant way to women of our culture and time period, complete with Paleo recipes that can be served with carbs or without. You will find your mouth watering as the soul feels fed as well. You will find yourself laughing, tearing up and licking your lips.

I received this book from Book Look Bloggers. The opinions contained herein are my own. This book is available for purchase from local booksellers and Amazon.

Come and Eat

I review for BookLook Bloggers

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