We have been cleaning today, my husband is coming home from a trip and I need to get some food made also. He is traveling on the train and I am not sure if he may be very hungry when he gets off!

We got the good apricots all pitted, they are sitting in lemon water right now, ready to be made into jam. I just need the jars washed….oops! I should have done that earlier!

The boys helped so well, we may go do something special also, The youngest ones were a bit hyper though. It is weird.

Anyhow, I hope this next batch of jam turns out as good as the last stuff. i may do it in quarts as I think I am out of pints and they use jam so fast it should be fine.

I made biscuits in my food processor for the first time the other day! Talk about easy! I think I may have over mixed it a tad as they were not as tender as I would like, but they were good! Topped with butter and apricot jam! Yum!

Anyhow, off to finish the evening!

This Post Has 0 Comments

  1. agardenfull

    My hubby comes home tonight too!! I'm having roast/pots/carrots/gravy etc…I hope mine is hungry!!
    Great blog!


    My husband is not here tonight.. SIGH.. but tomorrow he returns!
    I enjoyed seeing the pictures of yoru family. How blessed you are!!!

  3. drewsfamilytx

    YUMMY! I could really use some fresh biscuits and jam right now. Mmmm… the store bought kind totally pales in comparison to homemade.

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