I have been working on a chore chart system and was so thrilled because I got my printer working! So, I printed out chore charts for the boys and a list for Fred and I to remember what we have to do everyday also and laminated them. I am now working on a couple other charts to perfect the system.

One thing I am working on is if they complete all the jobs on their chart in one week they will get to pick a prize from a small prize box. I need to collect a few more things, some bigger things for every single job well done and some smaller things for almost getting everything done!

then also, I am going to set up some jars with money in them. We have been having some difficulty with shouting, yelling and picking on younger siblings so I think we are going to lose a dime or nickel for every offense. At the end of the week whatever you have left is yours to keep, but if you lose it it is mine. I think this will get through to some of them more than others as they seem to value money very highly.

Do any of you have any creative methods of encouraging chores or behavior issues? I used to do all kinds of stuff with my brother to try to teach him to keep his clothes off the floor! I guess I got discouraged because i really tried everything possible and he still keeps a very messy room!

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  1. 1crazylady5kids

    Here are my latest chore systems:
    <br>Managers of Their Chores (www.titus2.com) – I bought this immediately upon hearing of it because MOTH was such a life changer for me.
    <br>And I just purchased the Clean & Flips from http://www.triggermemorysystem.com. These are fun, and easier to use than a check list for my little kids.
    <br>It hasn't been too long since I was fuming that I had tried every system, incentive, reward, punishment, game, nagging, yelling, you name it – why was it still a daily issue? My oldest daughter is 15 and the only one of my children who will actually do her chores without being reminded on a semi-regular basis – and that is a new developement.
    <br>One thing for sure, it keeps me humble.
    <br>Have a great day – Trish

  2. MyLittleLammies

    It may be a getting older kinda thing. Like my two older children clean much better now than they ever did. There are still younger ones that don't, but I think they are learning from the others. Sometimes, you can make it a game. I did that when I was a teenage babysitter. I'd make a song out of it and tell them how happy their parents would be to see their house clean. My two older ones get an allowance. If they back down on their chores I back down on their allowance.

  3. Lilyofthevalley4

    I'm in the process of setting up the chore packs that come with Managers of their chores.

    I have been struggling with the children doing their chores, so I am really hoping this will work for us. :)

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