Reviewed by Martha Artyomenko



My Review:
      Do you ever think, “I just want a historical novel that really gives you a feel of what it was like to live then?”
If so, pick up a copy of this author’s books. Between Two Shores is set in a time period that is not always written about, so you will find yourself learning a ton. While this is not a romantic historical fiction book, it does have the struggles that someone might have faced with relationships. As with her other books, it doesn’t sugar coat the hard stuff. I would encourage you to expect descriptions of reality from history.
This book is beautiful though. It is about strong women that live through incredible pain and come out on top, although banged up, thriving.
You want depth in your historical fiction? Look no further than this read!
I obtained this book from the publisher and NetGalley. My opinions contained herein are my own.
This book is available to purchase here! “Between Two Shores” for preorder. The book releases on Feb. 5th.

This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. thebeccafiles

    Great review! I loved this one as well and fully agree with your thoughts! :)

  2. joynealkidney

    Jocelyn’s historical fiction is amazing in the way she pulls you right into the setting and the story.

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